
PSV tekee yhteistyötä Suomen Punaisen Ristin kanssa pääkaupunkiseudun vastaanottokeskuksissa. Kesän ja syksyn 2016 aikana vastaanottokeskuksissa on pilotoitu stressinhallintaan ja rentoutumistaitojen omaksumiseen tähtääviä ryhmiä turvapaikanhakijoille. Ryhmien ohjaamisesta kiinnostuneet psykologit ovat tervetulleita toimintaan mukaan! Alla tarkempaa tietoa nykyisestä toiminnasta englanniksi.

Lisätietoa: psv@vastuu.fi.

Asylum seekers support project

The aim of the asylum seekers support project is to enhance the psychosocial wellbeing of refugees through collaboration with other organisations like the Finnish Red Cross.
PSV volunteers can provide psychosocial support:
1. Directly to asylum seekers by means of group work or time-limited individual counseling sessions
2. To staff members at asylum seekers centres and to other volunteers in the form of consultations and training.

Based on needs assessments by refugee centre staff PSV volunteers develop and carry out support activities, including psychoeducation, at the centres.

Starting in 2016 several workshops were conducted with unaccompanied minors living at the Siuntio asylum seekers centre and with men at the Auramo centre in Vantaa. The main aims of these workshops are to help refugees to:
1. better understand, appreciate and use their resources
2. be more relaxed when facing stressful situations.

The work at Siuntio is ongoing. Discussions between PSV volunteers and Red Cross staff members are planned for early spring 2017 to review the project work and give direction to future activities.